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Selling Posters - Support Me!

I am personally selling 5 posters of Present Time Falling (12"x18"), 5 - 5"x5" cards of Bobby Pin, and will be including some added art when you buy the poster and or card from me. The Bobby Pin cards are only available from me directly as deviantart does not have a 5"x5" print size available.

I will be selling the SAO posters next after 5 of these posters have been bought - if you would like to buy from me directly later on when I have the posters available. However, if you would like to buy the SAO drawing from me sooner, I have enabled the art as a print on deviantart. For more details on the Present Time Falling posters and Bobby Pin card please message me. *If you have read the status message I left on my Facebook page, just know that the store I was talking about may have to come later on.*

Also, if you would like to buy any other art from me - please go to my deviantart and purchase a print! I have enabled prints for 5 different pieces and will be enabling more art as prints on my deviantart in the very near future. I will list the links for them below.

Asuna Kirito Kiss Commission*Note - to buy this art off of deviantart without any of it cut off you will have to select the "Photo" Tab and select your photo finish and size preferences when you go to order.*:

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